Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A few fun days...

So, another day, another dollar at Starbucks. Not too much has happened that is all that out of the ordinary lately. I celebrated a co-worker's twenty-first birthday at her apartment... I went to the required Starbucks Experience at a seedy hotel in town... My store manager was mopping the floor, non-stop, for an hour and a half Sunday... I fixed an espresso machine, without tools, during a rush...

You know... The ususal...

First, Amy's Birthday! She turned 21 two weeks ago, and she celebrated her birthday with all of her crazy friends and even crazier Starbucks co-workers on Friday. She had enough liquor to feed a Russian and Irish army mixer, and we downed it all! I closed on Friday, and in a mall we close at 10, so I left around 10:45. I got to her apt at 11:55, changing into a more party-appropriate outfit on the drive, and had a gin and tonic in my hand by midnight.

The night was fun. Amy was trashed, yet surprisingly able to stand and be a good hostess. She was able to be sure I had plenty of drinks before I left, but not too many to get myself home safely! On occasion I would be talking to someone, turn my back for a second, and then lose them for 20-30 minutes, but it was always easy to find Amy, her normal quiet, reserved demeanor was gone. She was loud, raucus, silly, bouncy, and always talking. I could find her anywhere. She was like a lighthouse and a siren all at once. If you are the type who likes to drink in peace and chat at parties, you knew where to steer clear as to avoid those jagged rocks of lively conversation and drunken dancing. If you are the outgoing, life-of-the-party type, you could listen to her Siren's song and let her lead you to those welcoming shores.

She really was the life of the party. It would have been just another party, if not for her, but isn't that how a birthday party should be? The birthday girl should be the one who everyone is talking about the next day, as long as it is in good light, not how much she embarassed herself.

(More details when I get a few more minutes)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To Begin

This is my first entry, just to get a little bit started here. I am a new partner at Starbuck's. I am not yet prepared to say at which location I am employed, and I am not sure if I ever will, however, that is not important. You can imagine what I encounter at any location in America.

I am going to create a semi-daily account of interesting, and not-so-interesting experiences while a barista at Starbuck's. I have been employed for less than 2 months, and I am not fully Barista certified (I still must take the Starbuck's Experience course). I do, however, know how to make our drinks, and I do a damned good job!

I really do love my new job. The partners who I work with make the job fun, and the customers make it interesting! You get all kinds at my home store, since it is in a mall. We have our regulars who come in every day and get the same thing. There are the mall employees, and those who I think would rather LIVE in the mall, rather than simply shop there.

We serve lots of Frappucinos, which are no fun, but it's alright... That's why they call it work, right?

I guess that's all I have to say for today, I haven't really had the time to list any of my strange customers that came in today, but next time I work, I will sit down at my computer and write about all the crazy people in the mall!

Lovingly, and with lots of caffeine,